Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I'm Baaaack!

We finally have our internet back on! Yay!

I guess a major update is in order. I kind of abandoned the sock monkeys. Mom's birthday present turned out great, she loved it. (I will have a pic in a future post, gonna have to have her send me one. I can't find the one I took.) My daughter didn't want the mittens so I ended up not making them for her.

Right now I am on another task. Here in my home town we have an Elder Angel Tree Program. It's kind of like the one for the kids only for elderly people who may not have anyone coming to visit them for the holidays. We include all the nursing homes, hospices, docters' offices and home health providers. We get an anonymous list from the providers and usually all the angels get adopted every year. There are some other programs in our comunity that like to donate gift card to this program. I am making gift card holders to put all of the donated cards into. The pattern I am using can be found here. I know it is technically a business card sleeve, but with how many I have to make, the simple-er the better. I have to make about 75 by the end of November. So far I have 9. They take about 1 hour each to complete and it's busting my stashes quite well.

Thanks for reading,
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